our recent articles

Silverhawk Aviation is a leading provider of private jet charter services, jet cards, fractional ownership, and aircraft management. We offer a variety of options to meet your individual or business aviation needs. Our blog is a great resource for learning more about all things aviation, from our latest news and promotions to industry trends and tips. Whether you’re a seasoned aviator or just looking to learn more about private aviation, our blog is a great place to start.

Honey, Vinegar, and Perspective

Honey, Vinegar, and Perspective

This may or may not come as a shock to those who don’t know me well but have read some of my diatribes, but I am an extremely principled person in the way I conduct myself personally and professionally.  In all fairness, I’m not always refined in my delivery of it...

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later

It’s somewhat cathartic to write that out, read what I wrote, and realize how unimaginably silly some people are for being so lackadaisical about decision-making.  But hey, who am I to judge? Plus, it’s a bit more eye-catching than my originally planned title. For the...

Originality, or lack thereof

Originality, or lack thereof

Probably a bit dramatic. But you know what that means? There’s a chance it’s not dramatic enough. And I don’t know which is more accurate here, but I’d err on the side that it’s not dramatic enough because – as I’ve mentioned before – I’m a bit dramatic. Anyway, on to...

Just Goofin’.  New Boot Goofin’.

Just Goofin’. New Boot Goofin’.

It’s wild the parallels you see between the way kids behave, the behaviors you see in adults, and the impact that a lack of boundaries/accountability has on both.  Eventually, those kids with no boundaries turn into “adults” (by age of legal majority only, rarely in...

Fleet Management

Fleet Management

Proper fleet balance – the right types and right number of those types –  is as much an art as it is science and as forward-looking as it is looking in the rearview mirror.  All that to say, it’s a complicated but critical facet of our business that intersects with...

Car Washes, Subscriptions, and Snake Oil

Car Washes, Subscriptions, and Snake Oil

You know what I noticed recently? I mean, I’ve noticed it before but I rrrrreeeaaallllyyyy noticed it recently.   Literally everything is a shifty, shifty subscription. And the worst of them are all products/services that are low cost, high-margin for the operator...



I’m sure you’ve heard that old adage that when your nose itches it means someone’s thinking about you? Well, *boop* I got yur nose. Deals. Retargeting. Referral bonuses. Pricing strategy.  All things you.  And all things we’re focusing on over the next few months....



I gotta say, I’m having a pretty good hair day today. That has lit-ruh-ly nothing to do with the blog, but it felt worth mentioning anyway.   You know what’s always confused me? That good things seem to come from rationality, but great things seem to come from...



Frustration, and commercial travel are for other people. Or, rather, people that don’t use Silverhawk for their travel needs. I had the distinct pleasure of hopping on a deadhead down to the Ozarks – where I’m currently writing this bad boy a couple days before it’s...