

I don’t want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me. I’m finding it hard to believe we’re already ¼ of the way through the year. Yet here we are. But you know what? It was a productive first quarter, I: Made twice-baked...
By the Numbers (redux)

By the Numbers (redux)

I don’t usually like to recycle content or themes, but I recently took a peek at some of our trip trends for 2023 and was reminded that I looked at 2022 trip trends early last year.  Which is a much wordier than is necessary way of saying that I thought it’d be...
Our Happiest Clients

Our Happiest Clients

Have you ever seen a movie that could have ended differently?  One where they didn’t have to end it that way, but you could tell the studio really wanted to squeeze a sequel or series out of it?  That’s me, I’m the studio.  I probably could have gotten it all in one...
By The Numbers

By The Numbers

Generally speaking, I’m a curious person. I like to understand the “why” behind things. Like, all things.   And I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, which can make my understanding “why” difficult, so I usually have to find a pretty simple way to explain things....
Our Fleet And How We Deploy It

Our Fleet And How We Deploy It

My wife and I recently welcomed our second child to the family; a nine-pound little monster with a 15-inch noggin.  Literally off the charts head circumference, which I assume means he’s a genius….and must explain why I’m dictating and he’s the one typing this right...