Silverhawk Aviation is proud to announce a new service capability for our maintenance department. We are now Cirrus SF50 Limited Line Service Capable Service Facility.
Originally Cirrus planned to meet the maintenance needs of the SF50 thru 3-4 Factory Owned Service Centers. As more planes were delivered and the number of Service Bulletins increased, Cirrus was faced with a mounting capacity issue. To address this, they partnered with a handful SR Service Centers to give them the opportunity to become SF50 Limited Line Service Capable Facilities. We were one of the fortunate few with the experience and service history to be selected. So, what does all this mean? While 12 month and most scheduled inspections will still go thru the FSC, we can do AOG repairs.
We currently have 2 techs that have completed the SF50 online Line Maintenance training. We also have 1 tech heading to G3000 SF50 specific training in Olathe, KS in October and we have 1 Tech heading to SF 50 Airframe training in Duluth, MN in October. We are look forward to seeing more of these aircraft in the shop and are excited to offer this new service to Midwest SF50 owners.